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The HyvaGridArrayProviderInterface is used for creating simple grid data providers.


Often creating a repository is overkill when a simple list of things should be displayed in the admin.

This is where the array grid providers shine.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace HyvaAdminApi;

 * Implement this interface and specify that class as an array source type for a hyva grid.
 * Return an array with one sub-array for each row of the grid.
interface HyvaGridArrayProviderInterface
     * @return array[]
    public function getHyvaGridData(): array;

A array provider implementations are then configured as source of a grid in the grid XML:


It is super simple to create array grid data providers.

There are some helpful methods to covert things into arrays in the Magento framework, for example Magento\Framework\Reflection\DataObjectProcessor::buildOutputDataArray. They can be useful sometimes, but of course anything can be used as long as the interface contract is fulfilled.

Interface Methods

getHyvaGridData(): array

The interface only has a single method. It returns an array of arrays.

Each sub-array, or record, is a row in the grid.

Here is a simplified example to clarify the return array structure:

public function getHyvaGridData(): array
    return [
        ['col-A' => 'the first value', 'col-B' => 'another value'],
        ['col-A' => 'more data',       'col-B' => 'even more data'],

The array keys of the first record are used to determine the columns for the grid.

Example grid array provider that lists all files in the Magento var/log/ directory:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace HyvaAdminTestModel;

use Hyva\Admin\Api\HyvaGridArrayProviderInterface;
use Magento\Framework\App\Filesystem\DirectoryList;
use Magento\Framework\Filesystem\Io\FileFactory;

class LogFileListProvider implements HyvaGridArrayProviderInterface
    private DirectoryList $directoryList;

    private FileFactory $fileFactory;

    public function __construct(DirectoryList $directoryList, FileFactory $fileFactory)
        $this->directoryList = $directoryList;
        $this->fileFactory = $fileFactory;

    public function getHyvaGridData(): array
        $file = $this->fileFactory->create();

        return $file->ls();