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grid > actions > action > event

Status: experimental

The API for the action event node might be removed or changed in future.

Specifying event triggers on actions allows creating complex ui customizations.

Only the event trigger can be specified in the grid XML:

    <action id="delete" label="Delete" url="*/*/delete">
        <event on="click"/>

Event Name

The event name is built based on the grid name, the action id and the event trigger:

private function getEventName(): string
    $gridNameInEvent = $this->eventify($this->gridName);
    return sprintf('hyva-grid-%s-action-%s-%s', $gridNameInEvent, $this->eventify($this->targetId), $this->on);

For example, given a grid named products-query-grid, and an action with the id delete, the JavaScript event that is dispatched is


Event Subscribers

Event subscribers can be declared in .phtml template files that are added to the grid page via layout XML.


window.addEventListener('hyva-grid-products-grid-action-delete-click', e => {
    if (! confirm('<?= __('Are you sure?') ?>')) {

Event Arguments

The event arguments can be retrieved from the events.detail property in subscribers.


This is the original event that was triggered by the user interaction.

probably this is mainly useful to abort user actions with event.detail.origEvent.preventDefault().


This property is a reference to the clicked grid table row.

It might be useful to retrieve the rendered cell values in a kind of hacky way.


This is the Alpine.js view model of the grid.


This is the grid action id. In the examples on this page it is the string delete.


This is the map of parameters that would be passed to the URL. It depends on the action configuration.

The following example will add the params {foo => idValue}:

<actions idColumn="id">
    <action id="delete" label="Delete" url="*/*/delete" idParam="foo">
        <event on="click"/>