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grid > columns

Showing and hiding columns

If no columns are configured, the default is to show all available fields.

If the default isn’t sufficient, the columns can be configured using the grid/columns/include and grid/columns/exclude child nodes.

The behavior what is displayed is quite intuitive, but not super simple to explain in words:

No include and no exclude configuration:

→ display all columns

Only include and no exclude configuration:

→ display only the columns under include.

No include and only an exclude configuration:

→ display all columns except the excluded ones.

Both include and exclude configuration:

→ display all included columns except the ones that where excluded.

The include element can have an option attribute keepAllSourceColumns. If it is present and set to true, then configuring include columns will not automatically hide other available columns.

Grid row actions

Grid columns can have a rowAction attribute, which refers to the ID value of an action configured in the grid/actions element.

<columns rowAction="edit">
    <action id="edit" label="Edit" url="*/*/edit"/>

The row action is triggered when a row is clicked.


Display all available columns (just as if no <columns/> node where present):


Display only the id and sku columns:

        <column name="id"/>
        <column name="sku"/>

Display all available source columns except the category_gear column:

        <column name="category_gear"/>

Display the id, sku and name columns only:

        <column name="id"/>
        <column name="sku"/>
        <column name="activity"/>
        <column name="name"/>
        <column name="activity"/>

Display all available columns except the category_gear column:

    <include keepAllSourceColumns="true">
        <column name="id"/>
        <column name="price" type="price"/>
        <column name="category_gear"/>

The id column will be displayed first, and the price column will be displayed second, and the value will be rendered as a price.