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grid > navigation > filters > filter > option

Filter option elements are for one specific use case:

when column values are static and don’t warrant the creation of a whole source model.

Also, options support grouping multiple values together.

<filter column="color">
    <option label="reddish">
    <option label="blueish">
    <option label="rose">

When filter options are specified, the filter is always rendered as a select input type.

For groups of option values, any record with a matching value will be included in the grid data (internally all values of a selected group are added to the SearchCriteria using an OR condition).

The above example would render a filter with three options: reddish, blueish and rose.

When reddish is selected, any records with the color attribute matching 16, 17 or 18 would be shown in the grid.

The option values don’t have to be integers, string values are valid, too.