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The DataTypeGuesserInterface is used to determine the column type given a value or a Magento type. The column type in turn is used to figure out how to render a value in a grid.


Most of the time this interface is not implemented directly, but instead the DataTypeInterface is implemented instead which combines the DataTypeGuesserInterface with the DataTypeValueToStringConverterInterface.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace HyvaAdminApi;

interface DataTypeGuesserInterface
    public function valueToTypeCode($value): ?string;

    public function typeToTypeCode(string $type): ?string;

All DataTypeGuesser implementations are registered with the DataTypeFacade in the adminhtml di.xml configuration. The order of data type guessers matter - more generic types should come later in the list.

Excerpt of the Hyva_Admin etc/adminhtml/di.xml configuration:

<type name="Hyva\Admin\Model\DataType\DataTypeFacade">
        <argument name="dataTypeClassMap" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="datetime" xsi:type="string">Hyva\Admin\Model\DataType\DateTimeDataType</item>
            <item name="magento_product" xsi:type="string">Hyva\Admin\Model\DataType\ProductDataType</item>

Probably you will never need to implement this interface, unless you want to contribute to Hyva_Admin and add support for a standard Magento data type.

Interface Methods

valueToTypeCode($value): ?string

The method takes a value that could be anything: null, a string, int, object or anything else.

If the value is the target type the class can handle, then the method returns an identifying column type code, otherwise it should return null.


public function valueToTypeCode($value): ?string
    return is_object($value) && $value instanceof AddressInterface
        ? 'magento_customer_address'
        : null;

In this example the method returns the column type magento_customer_address when a customer address instance is used as the input value.

typeToTypeCode(string $type): ?string

The method takes a Magento internal type identifier. It could be a class or interface name, or an EAV attribute backend type code, or a special case like gallery.

If the string $type identifies the target type the class can handle, the method should return an identifying column type code, otherwise it should return null.


public function typeToTypeCode(string $type): ?string
    return is_string($type) && is_subclass_of($type, AddressInterface::class)
        ? 'magento_customer_address'
        : null;

In this example the method returns the column type magento_customer_address when $type identifies a class implementing the customer address interface.