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grid > source > query > select > join

The <join> element is used to configure how to join other tables into the result data set.


There are three join attributes:

  • type

The type attribute is used to specify the type of join. A valid value is one of:

inner, left, right, full, cross and natural.

If no type attribute is present, the default left is used.

  • table (required)

The table attribute specifies the name of the table to join.

  • as

The attribute as can be used to specify an alias for the joined table.

It has one required <on> child element and one optional <columns> child element.


<join type="left" table="catalog_product_entity_varchar" as="t_name">
    <on>t_name.entity_id=main_table.entity_id AND attribute_id=47</on>
        <column name="value" as="name"/>