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grid > source > defaultSearchCriteriaBindings > field

Each field element is used to declare a default automatic binding on the SearchCriteria instance that is used when loading the grid source, against some value in the current Magento state.

This is mainly useful for showing grids that are embedded in pages of another entity type, for example all orders of a customer.

    <field name="entity_id" requestParam="id">
    <field name="entity_id" method="Magento\Framework\App\RequestInterface::getParam" param="id"/>
    <field name="store_id" method="Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface::getStore" property="id"/>
    <field name="customer_ids" condition="finset" method="Magento\Customer\Model\Session::getCustomerId"/>

There are several possible attributes:

name (required)

The name attribute specifies the field name for the filter.


This attribute is used to bind the filter to a request value. This is the most common binding type.

It is a shorthand for specifying class="Magento\Framework\App\RequestInterface" and method="getParam" together with a param attribute.


The method attribute is used to specify the class and method to call to product the filter value.

<field name="customer_id" method="Magento\Customer\Model\Session::getCustomerId"/>


If the method requires a string parameter to produce the desired value, it can be specified with the param attribute. This is sometimes handy for use with the generic getData($key) method.

<field name="entity_id" method="Magento\Framework\App\RequestInterface::getParam" param="id"/>


Should the method return an array or an object, the property attribute can be used to retrieve a singe value.

<field name="store_id" method="Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface::getStore" property="id"/>

The way the property is retrieved depends on the type of value the method returns.

For objects the code will try to call a matching getter method, will try getData, a public property or ArrayAccess.

For arrays it will simply try to use the property as an array index.


By default search criteria bindings are applied using an equality condition (eq). Using the condition attribute it is possible to use a different condition. Any of the Magento SearchCriteria condition values is allowed:

  • eq
  • is
  • neq
  • lteq
  • from
  • to
  • gteq
  • moreeq
  • gt
  • lt
  • like
  • nlike
  • in
  • nin
  • notnull
  • null
  • finset