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Payment Integration

In Hyvä React Checkout, the payment options will be shown as radio inputs by default. You can choose the option and place the order, and everything works out of the box.

But showing just a radio input box and allowing you to select/deselect them is not what you needed for all payment options. Some payment methods need different behavior. Also, some payment methods need a separate flow when we perform the "place order" action. To help you out in such cases, Hyvä React Checkout already possesses some superpowers, which we will see in a short time.

Payment Supports

There are numerous payment service providers (PSP) out there. In a site, we opt one of the PSP by adding its Magento 2 extension and configure it. These PSPs will support many modes of payment methods. Due to this, it will be a cumbersome process to support all the PSPs out there.

Due to the above reason, we are not keeping payment components as part of Hyvä React Checkout. But we will be maintaining separate payment repositories that would support most common PSPs which will hold the custom payment method components which you can use with Hyvä React Checkout seamlessly.

Below, we are listing the payment repositories, and each repository will have specific instructions about its usage.

This is a community effort. So we welcome all of you to help out to grow the above list. The payone repository is an ideal place to look into if you need to create a payment method integration repository.

Payment Configurations and Its Usage

Depending upon the payment methods, you may have some special configuration settings in your store. Usually, you do this under Stores > Configuration. If you are familiar with the default Magento 2 checkout page, then you may know that Magento 2 passes this configuration via a global variable which you can find at window.checkoutConfig.

To collect these checkout configurations, we have a ViewModel (Hyva\ReactCheckout\ViewModel\CheckoutConfigProvider) available in the module and we are passing this configuration through the root DOM element.

See the layout file where we injecting the view model.

File: src/view/frontend/layout/hyva_reactcheckout_index.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi="" layout="1column" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
        <referenceContainer name="content">

See the data attribute data-checkout_configuration through which we are passing this configuration.

File: `src/view/frontend/templates/react-container.phtml`

    /** @var \Magento\Framework\Escaper $escaper */
    /** @var \Hyva\ReactCheckout\ViewModel\CheckoutConfigProvider $configProvider */
    $configProvider = $block->getCheckoutConfigProvider();
        data-checkout_config="<?= $escaper->escapeHtmlAttr($configProvider->getConfig())  ?>"

Now the react app has access to the payment configurations, and it can be used in the application according to your need.

Custom Payment Renderer

As already stated, by default, all payment methods appear as a radio input. But Hyvä React Checkout allows using a custom renderer for any payment methods.

You can either develop your own custom payment renderer within the reactappor use an existing custom payment renderer repo within Hyvä React Checkout.

How To Create My Own Custom Payment Renderer

Lets say we want to create a custom payment renderer for paypal-express solution. This is how you do this in Hyvä React Checkout.

Create following folders/ files in src/reactapp/src/paymentMethods


You need at least two files in order to properly create a custom payment renderer.

  1. The custom payment render component. This is a react component. This react component will be used to render the payment method. In the shown example src/components/PaypalExpress.jsx is what out custom payment renderer component.
  2. renderers.js file that configures the payment renderer component. The content of this file somewhat looks like below

    File: src/reactapp/src/paymentMethods/paypalExpress/renderers.js

    import PaypalExpress from './src/components/PaypalExpress';
    export default {
      paypal_express: PaypalExpress,

    So it exports an object. Each key specifies the payment method code (paypal_express) and its value is the custom payment render component (PaypalExpress).

How To Use A Custom Payment Renderer Repo With Hyvä React Checkout

You need to specify your custom payment repo in the package.json file as shown below:

File: src/reactapp/package.json

"config": {
    "paymentMethodsRepo": {
        "payone": ""

As you can see above, we are configuring payone custom payment solution under config.paymentMethodsRepo. With this change in your package.json and if you run npm install, then your repo will be cloned into src/reactapp/src/paymentMethods directory and properly configured over there.

How Custom Payment Renderer Works

It all starts from the react component <PaymentMethodMemorized />. This component is responsible for showing the entire payment method section. See its implementation

File: src/reactapp/src/components/paymentMethod/PaymentMethodMemorized.jsx

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import customRenderers from '../../paymentMethods/customRenderers';

const PaymentMethodMemorized = React.memo(({ formikData }) => {
  return (
    <PaymentMethodFormManager formikData={formikData}>
      <Card classes={isPaymentAvailable ? '' : 'opacity-75'}>
        <ToggleBox show title={__('Payment Methods')}>
          {isPaymentAvailable ? (
            <PaymentMethodList methodRenderers={customRenderers} />
          ) : (
            <NoPaymentMethodInfoBox />

export default PaymentMethodMemorized;

Here customRenderers holds all the custom payment renderers available. This value is an object where its keys will be payment method code and values will be renderer component. renderers state is then passing to <PaymentMethodList /> component. This component will loop through each payment method and if a custom payment renderer defined for a payment, then it will use that custom payment renderer for that payment method; else, it will render the payment method as radio button (default behaviour).

customRenderers object which is coming from the file src/paymentMethods/customRenderers.js is an auto-generated file. This file is updated when you have custom payment renderer repositories setup in your package.json file and you perform the installation npm install. The chance to alter this file happens only in those situations where you have your own custom payment renderers and you want to make them available in the payment method section. In that case, you need to manually add your custom payment renderer in that file.

How Custom Payment Renderer Interacts on Place Order Action

If your payment method needs to alter the behaviour of place order action, then Hyvä React Checkout provides some features out of the box to help you out.

File: src/reactapp/src/context/Form/CheckoutFormProvider.jsx

function CheckoutFormProvider({ children }) {
  const [paymentActionList, setPaymentActions] = useState({});
  const registerPaymentAction = useCallback(
    (paymentMethodCode, paymentMethodAction) => {
      setPaymentActions(actions => ({
        [paymentMethodCode]: paymentMethodAction,

Here CheckoutFormProvider is one of the super parent components that wraps react app. As you can see in the code it has a state paymentActionList which can be populated with any custom payment action you want to perform when the "place order" action happens. See the registerPaymentAction function. This function is available for all the child components and thus a custom payment method component can use it to register a custom "place order" behaviour.

Suppose you have a custom payment method component PayOneCreditCard and it looks like below

function PayOneCreditCard({ method, selected, actions }) {
  const { registerPaymentAction } = useCheckoutFormContext();

  // custom "place order" submit action
  const paymentSubmitHandler = useCallback(
    async values => {
      console.log({ values });

  // registering custom "place order" action for the payment method
  useEffect(() => {
    registerPaymentAction('payone_creditcard', paymentSubmitHandler);
  }, [registerPaymentAction, paymentSubmitHandler]);

  return (
    // custom payment method JSX here

So in the useEffect, we are registering custom place order action for the payment method. Now when the user opted payone_creditcard as the payment option and then click on the "Place Order" button, it will use the paymentSubmitHandler in this component to process the order. So now the payment method needs to convert the quote to order according to its need and then redirect the user to the success page.

Custom Payment Method Best Practices

  1. Define dedicated custom hooks for accessing global states such as App, Cart or Form within the payment method itself. There are hooks available in other places to get the global state. But, it is always better stay away from those custom hooks and define and use dedicated custom hooks within the payment method.

    So if you want to get an App action such as setPageLoader within your payment method, then your can do the following to retrieve it.

    File: src/reactapp/src/paymentMethods/<yourPaymentMethod>/src/hooks/usePayOneAppContext.js

    import { useContext } from 'react';
    import AppContext from '../../../../context/App/AppContext';
    export default function usePayOneAppContext() {
      const [, { setPageLoader }] = useContext(AppContext);
      return {

    Now use usePayOneAppContext hook inside your yourPaymentMethod.

  2. Define your custom API methods within the payment method itself.

    Hyvä React Checkout holds all of its api methods inside src/reactapp/src/api/ directory. The components does not use any api methods defined here directly. Instead we are passing them through AppContext or CartContext. So if an API method needed in your payment method is already defined in the app, then access them through the corresponding context and use it with your payment method.

    But in some cases, your payment method needs to use its own custom api methods. In this case, it should be defined inside src/reactapp/src/paymentMethods/<yourPaymentMethod>/src/api/ directory. When you define your custom API methods, it will be good to follow the conventions we already using in src/reactapp/src/api/.

    You can use your custom API methods directly inside the components. No need to setup a context and passing the api method through that context. But if your payment method is so complicated and you need a context layer to manage it effectively, then feel free to adopt that approach too.

  3. Most of the custom payment methods need to provide custom data as part of placing the order. In the Luma checkout, they send this extra information either via additional_data and/or via extension_attributes which are part of REST API method save-payment. In order to replicate the same in Hyvä React Checkout, it is vital to rely on the above REST API method. So there is a general hook src/reactapp/src/hook/usePerformPlaceOrderByREST.js available and it can be handy in payment integration in order to place an order.