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Major changes.

New features

  • The react app is now powered by Vite.
  • TailwindCSS is used in JIT mode.
  • Multiple themes supported.

Code level changes

In Hyvä Checkout 2.0, the directory structure is changed a bit. Given below the directory structure.

  • vite.config.js - Vite related configurations reside here. Here is where we define dev, production related configuration, build configurations, proxy configurations etc.
  • tailwind.config.js - TailwindCSS configuration of the app. The css file used in JIT mode resides in the tailwindcss directory along with other custom components.
  • index.html - This is used in the dev mode to show the application
  • src/api - API methods which communicates to Magento backend from the react app.
  • src/paymentMethods - Custom payment renderers will be stored here (if any)
  • src/app/code - The components which are common and can be used across different themes. These components can be contexts, FormikProvider components, custom hooks, utility methods, general react components etc.
  • src/app/design - Themes reside here. By default, it comes with base theme.